Teen Triomphe. Authentic quality luxury bag crafted in genuine leather comes with authenticity card, dust bag and gift bag. Where timeless elegance meets fashion-forward sophistication.
The original Triomphe, launched by Hedi Slimane in 2018, garnered widespread praise. Since then, this chic handbag has become a favorite amongst celebrities and fashion insiders worldwide. Its sleek leather exterior and understated hardware effortlessly merge style and practicality, beautifully accentuated by *eline’s iconic golden Triomphe logo fastener. This exquisite design has captivated the interest of bag collectors and fashion historians alike, thanks to its sophisticated yet uncomplicated aesthetic. The timeless appeal of this classic piece has even inspired a range of spinoffs, solidifying the Triomphe’s status as a revered fashion icon.
The Celine Teen Triomphe combines sleek leather with a golden logo clasp, embodying timeless elegance and modern sophistication.