Pallas Clutch Bag. Authentic quality luxury bag crafted in genuine leather comes with authenticity card, dust bag and gift bag. Your go-to for small but stunning style.
This exquisite handbag is adorned with the iconic Monogram Canvas and offers versatile carrying options, allowing you to wear it comfortably on your shoulder or across your body. You can choose between the leather strap or the elegant golden chain, making it perfect as a Wallet on Chain bag for evenings or when you want to carry a stunning small handbag. Additionally, it effortlessly complements any casual outfit. The Clutch Bag is beautifully accented with golden metallic pieces and features a convenient central zipped compartment as well as an exterior front pocket.
The Pallas Clutch Bag blends elegance and versatility with its iconic Monogram Canvas, golden accents, and multiple carry options. Perfect for evenings or casual days, it’s compact yet effortlessly chic.