“I didn’t know that I wanted the CHANEL 2.55 Double Flap Bag until I got the replica.”

Let’s unpack my latest arrival. I got the CHANEL 2.55 Classic Lamb Skin Double Flap. She is in size 30. The bag came in a CHANEL gift box with a very smooth, almost velvety to immediately give a feel of authenticity.

I also love that the box has magnetic closures. As I take the bag out of the plastic, I notice the dust cloth it came in. So cute. So pretty. And there you can see Lady Coco Chanel on the dust bag. I love that. 

As I said, I ordered CHANEL 2.55 Classic size 30 lamb skin, double flap purse. It’s so pretty. I’m just taking the plastic off of that Double C CHANEL symbol. And as you can see, opening the bag with just the turn button is effortless. And yeah, they had the little paper inside to protect the bag, and I love that peekaboo burgundy flap that’s inside as well. But first, I like that it has a zipper on top, and you can place something small at the top of that flap.

In the back of the inside of the purse, you can stuff something down in there, maybe you put the chain to the bag and it won’t disrupt the main part of the bag. I love that burgundy. And this is your main compartment of the bag where you would put most of your items at right there. On the inside of the bag, it did come with two CHANEL cards. One was in an envelope. It carries the bag’s serial number, you will see inside the bag. as well.

You get a decent size front pouch in the front of the bag. I love that. This bag has so many different compartments for you to hold stuff. I love the CHANEL engraved into that leather with the burgundy peek-A-boo flap. The CHANEL logo is engraved into the gold hardware. There you have a pouch in the back of the purse. One of my favorite features of this bag is the adjustable strap, where you can take it from regular to long.

So as you can see, the bag is beautiful. I didn’t want the CHANEL Classic until I got it. I had no idea. I did not know what this bag was. As soon as I pulled it out of the box, I was like, this is an It bag. This is it the real stuff. She is it. She is everything. I love this bag. I love the quality. 

I love the versatility of this bag. This bag has the most versatility out of any bag I’ve ever owned. I love the double straps.

Just push the strap up, and then you get that cross-body look. You can see, then you get that cross-body look. So cute, so elegant. I really should have put some pearls on today. But I love that look as well. 

Also, if you want to do a clutch-style look, even though the flap bag is kind of big if you still want to do a clutch look, all you have to do is pull it through from the inside and make sure you got it tight enough. You’ve got that back pocket that you could use to put your straps in that won’t disrupt any of your options on the inside of where you’ll be putting your other belongings, and also with that front pocket up there as well. And don’t forget, you still have the top part that you can use for whatever you’d like to store in your bag also.

I love that it has a back pocket as well. You do not get any posts on the bottom of this bag. This is like a mirror image of the actual CHANEL bag. 

I almost missed the gold square pieces in there, there with the CHANEL symbol. And it also has the serial number and the CHANEL symbol engraved into the gold hardware. A nice size, mid-size bag. And you can get this in a smaller bag if you’d like. You can get it. They do have them in smaller sizes. Whatever fits you, whatever fits your style. I am happy with this size 30.”

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